NMRAx Quarterly Convention, April 23rd.

NMRAx Quarterly Convention: 8 new Clinics! 

From 10 am EST, till 2 pm, a small break and again 5 pm till 9 pm. 8 clinics, with breakout rooms to dicuss the clinic with the clinician after each clinic.

Live on the NMRA Facebook grouphttps://www.facebook.com/groups/nmragroup/

Or just watch along without a Facebook account herehttps://www.facebook.com/NMRA.org,

Or on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHw-7-1FWB5zQgTM0ZVY-Yw 

2022.04.23 NMRAx June:

(New York City Time)

10:00 Tom D. Stephenson: wTrak
Mike Tylick: Perspective
Chuck Diljak: Car Tipping
Craig Bisgeier: Designing, Cutting and Building Laser Cut Models


17:00 Ed O'Connell: Making Rolling Stock Layout Ready
Scott Gothe: A Railroad Signaling Primer for Modelers Part 2 - The Sound and the Fury: Signals on the Move
(part 1 is here)
19:00 Adam Wuiske: Queensland Railway, Australia
Michelle Kempena: UP Passenger cars

Date Range: 
Saturday, April 23, 2022 - 10:00am to 10:00pm
Australasian Region
British Region
Lone Star Region
Mid Central Region
Mid-continent Region
Mid-Eastern Region
Midwest Region
Niagara Frontier Region
NMRA Canada
North Central Region
Northeastern Region
Other NMRA Organizations
Pacific Coast Region
Pacific Northwest Region
Pacific Southwest Region
Rocky Mountain Region
Southeastern Region
Sunshine Region
Thousand Lakes Region