New Jersey
- Location: Carillon Historical Park, 1000 Carillon Blvd, Dayton, Ohio 45409.
- Date and Time: Saturday, June 21, 9:30 am--5 pm and Sunday, June 22, 11 am-4 pm.
- Admission: $14 adults, $12 seniors, $10 children
- For more information, visit
- Massachusetts, Tewksbury- HUB High Green, op to you had a great drop weekend
- May 2-4.
- Sign up to operate on layouts in N-scale, HO-scale, and O-scale.
- You can choose your sessions on Friday night, Saturday, or Sunday.
- To receive your sign-up form, contact Rand Hoven at randhoven [at]
- There is no fee.
- Location: St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 704 Heritage Drive S.W. Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
- Six clinics and associated photo nights.
- The cost is $15, FREE PARKING.
- Bring your lumber loads, coal loads, and wide loads. There is no limit to the number of items you bring to show.
- Marion Palace Theater, August 8, 2025 (, from 1:00 PM to 10:00 PM
- Railroad Show and Sale, August 9, 2025, at Palace Theater, 276 W Center St., Marion, Ohio 43302, from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
- For updates Link:
- Location: Renfrewshire Model Railway Club Room, 20 Stoddart Square, Elderslie, PA5 9AS
- Location: Fairgrounds, Syracuse.
- Nov. 1, Saturday 10-5, and Nov.2, Sunday 10-4
- The largest model train show in New York State! 300 vendor tables.
- 30+ operating layouts.
- Adults (16+): $15.00; Children (15 & under): Free.
- Sponsored by CNY Chapter, National Railway Historical Society. Information:
- Location: Crowne Plaza King of Prussia, 260 Mall Blvd., King of Prussia, 19406.
- Train Show Admission: $5 for Adults, Free for Children Under 12, and Free Parking.
- Features: Model Train Vendors, Manufacturer Displays, Operating Train Displays.
- Contact Information: Website:
- Location: Scott Hall, Johnson County Fairgrounds, 250 Fairground Street, Frankin, IN.
- Admission: $5 for adults, free for children under 14 with an adult.
- Features: All gauges are represented.
- Contact Information: Ben Scamihorn, P & E O Gauge Model Railroad, Indy South Train Show Administrator, Cell # 812-841-0220, E-mail: pemodelclub [at]
- Location: Eva Rothwell Centre, 460 Wentworth St. N., Hamilton, ON, Canada
- Prototype model displays of in-progress and finished projects
- Prototype dealers and photo suppliers
- Railway Historical and Special Interest Groups
- Raffle Prizes
- Prototype Clinics
- Admission: $10.00
- For updates or any changes, go to
- Hosted by Seacoast Division NMRA.
- Location: Grappone Conference Center, 70 Constitution Ave., Concord, NH.
- Learn about northern New England railroading and history at its best.
- New clinics, fabulous layouts to tour and operate on, prototype tours, raffle, model showcase, and contest room, Modeling with the Master's clinics, banquets, and many non-rail and seasonal activities.
- Website: