There are many clubs and organizations in our model railroading community. How many can claim all of their members are also members in the NMRA? These organizations recognize the importance of being an NMRA member. Through their membership in their club and NMRA, they are promoting and supporting our hobby. The NMRA recognizes these clubs through its 100% NMRA Club.
With a completed application and a $50 USD administration fee (USA and Canada Clubs) for the Insurance coverage, your organization will become a member in the 100% NMRA Club. If your Club is not eligible for the Insurance (all Clubs outside the USA and Canada), there is no fee. Some of the benefits of this organization include:
You may be interested in learning which clubs are already enjoying the benefits of being a 100% NMRA club. To see which clubs are 100% NMRA Clubs, click on the link: 100% NMRA Club Directory
1. Minimum club membership is four (4) members.
2. All members of the model railroad club applying must be current members in good standing of the National Model Railroad Association, and be current for a minimum of 30 days after the date of the application submittal.
3. NMRA 100% Club status is valid during one calendar year.
4. 100% Club status must be renewed annually, beginning in early November for the following calendar year (see application and instructions section).
5. The NMRA Magazine Editor will be updated by the 100% NMRA Club Program Manager so that recognition can be made in the next available issue of the NMRA Magazine. The NMRA 100% Clubs web page will be updated as well.
6. Each approved 100% Club is also eligible to participate in the NMRA Liability/Fire Insurance program for the same year (Only applies to 100% Clubs in the USA and Canada). To apply for this, each club must also submit a completed NMRA insurance form with their NMRA 100% application. This is available on the NMRA 100% Clubs web page (see application and instructions section). Once a Club is approved the insurance application is submitted to the insurance carrier and a certificate of insurance is mailed to the applying club's primary contact person's street address. Insurance coverage is not available to live steam railroad operations.
7. NMRA 100% Club insurance is only valid when all club members are current NMRA members and is only available in the USA and Canada. As such it is the responsibility of each club to ensure all participants' NMRA membership is maintained at all times throughout the year. Keep in mind that expiration dates for individual members may vary within your organization throughout the year and it is the individual organization's responsibility to keep it maintained.
8. The annual administrative fee for insurance coverage in the USA and Canada is $50 USD and shall be submitted at the time of application. Insurance runs concurrent with NMRA 100% status for the calendar year. There is no prorating.
9. Clubs are cautioned to not maintain duplicate membership lists. Misrepresentation of club membership rolls can result in cancellation of insurance, possible prosecution for fraud, and individual personal liability for all club members and officers.
Using the links provided below, access the application for the 100% NMRA Club and 100% NMRA Clubs Liability/Fire Insurance.
100% NMRA Club Application (PDF - Print Version)
100% NMRA Club Application (Fillable Form PDF)
Insurance Application (PDF) - Available to USA and Canada Clubs only
Both forms may be completed in any one of three ways after accessing the forms.
The club shall include as part of their application these five items: (noted as the "5 Submittals" elsewhere).
1. A fully completed NMRA 100% application.
2. A roster of all club members with their NMRA membership numbers and expiration date, noting on the roster one of the following: the current club officers, or, who are primary and secondary contact persons. You can use the roster form provided, your own form or a spreadsheet document.
3. A current copy of the club's bylaws or other organizing documents (if any). If none, simply state such on the application.
4. A Completed Insurance application (USA and Canada only).
5. Appropriate administrative fee for insurance coverage in the USA and Canada. An administrative fee of $50 USD for the insurance application and the proper administrative fee for any additional insured certificate request(s). See the section on ‘Certificate of Insurance' for additional fee information.
To submit by email: Attach all five items to an email using the email address as noted with the subject line of ‘NMRA 100% application'. The administrative fee can be submitted by calling the NMRA office and paying by credit card over the phone, or a check may be mailed but the application will not be processed until payment has been received.
Send to the email address: nmrahq [at] (subject: NMRA%20100%%20application) (NMRA HQ) using the subject line of "NMRA 100% application" at this email: nmracao [at]
To send in by regular mail: print the forms, fill them out completely (please be sure that it is legible if handwritten), be sure to include the five submittals (checks made payable to the NMRA) and mail to the NMRA Office at this address:
National Model Railroad Association, Inc.
100% NMRA Club
P.O. Box 1328,
Soddy Daisy TN 37384-1328
Once your application is received in the NMRA Office, it is checked for completeness, that all memberships are verified as being current and that all information is provided (the “5 Submittals”). It is then forwarded to the NMRA 100% Clubs Program Manager for final approval. Once your application is approved, your NMRA 100% Clubs Certificate is sent to you (electronically if an email address provided) and your insurance request is forwarded to the insurance carrier. Your insurance certificate is then mailed to you, typically arriving two to three weeks after NMRA approval. The NMRA 100% Program Manager will also provide notification to the NMRA Magazine editor and have the NMRA 100% Clubs web page updated.
Delays are often attributed to illegible handwriting, incomplete applications or club members having expired NMRA memberships. Please be sure to check these prior to submitting your application to help speed your processing time. Be sure that no members expire less than three months from your application submittal date.
Separate ‘Certificate of Insurance' requests must be sent to the NMRA Administration Office thirty days prior to the scheduled event. When a landlord or meeting site provider requires showing them as an Additional Insured for the time frame of the event, complete a separate Certificate of Insurance Request Form (same form as applying for insurance coverage), available elsewhere on this webpage. There is a $50 USD administration fee for each time a certificate request is submitted. Each Certificate for separate locations or events on various dates will have a $50 USD administration charge per individual request. The NMRA will not specifically name anyone as a “Named Additional Insured” directly to our policy, but will show them as an Additional Insured for the event by way of the Certificate of Insurance. There is an added cost for Additionally Insured or Specific Mention and they must be required by contract with the venue.
For more specifics or any questions, contact the Program Manager at this club100 [at] (email).
Q. Where can I find more information about the NMRA's Liability & Property Insurance Program and its coverage for 100% NMRA Clubs?
A. Information regarding the insurance coverage for NMRA 100% Clubs and their events can be found at Property and Liability Insurance.
Q. Are organizations outside of the US and Canada eligible to receive this insurance coverage?
A. All officially sponsored events (by 100% NMRA organizations) in the US and Canada, are covered. Unfortunately, we are not able to get coverage extended beyond the US and Canada at this time.
Q. How long does it take to process an application?
A. 100% Club applications that are complete are typically processed and approved within a few days. Insurance certificates are sent by regular mail and can be typically expected within three weeks.
Q. How can I contact the 100% Club Program Manager with any questions?
A. You can contact the NMRA 100% Clubs program manager, Lee Stoermer, by sending an e-mail to club100 [at]