
Model and Toy Train Show by Grande Pacific Railroad

We will have Jim Lofland's engines and cars there for sale.  Please come. 

For more information and any changes, open this: www.grandepacificrailroad.com

NMRAx Quarterly Convention, April 22nd

NMRAx Quarterly Convention: 8 new Clinics! 

From 10 am ET, till 2 pm, a small break and again 5 pm till 9 pm. 8 clinics, with breakout rooms to dicuss the clinic with the clinician after each clinic.

Live on the NMRA Facebook grouphttps://www.facebook.com/groups/nmragroup/

NMRAx Quarterly Convention, January 14th

NMRAx Quarterly Convention: 8 new Clinics! 

From 10 am EST, till 2 pm, a small break and again 5 pm till 9 pm. 8 clinics, with breakout rooms to dicuss the clinic with the clinician after each clinic.

Live on the NMRA Facebook grouphttps://www.facebook.com/groups/nmragroup/

NMRAx Quarterly Convention, October 22nd

NMRAx Quarterly Convention: 8 new Clinics! 

From 10 am EST, till 2 pm, a small break and again 5 pm till 9 pm. 8 clinics, with breakout rooms to dicuss the clinic with the clinician after each clinic.

Live on the NMRA Facebook grouphttps://www.facebook.com/groups/nmragroup/

Southwest O Scale Meet

For current updates and any changes, open this link: htpp://www.oscalesw.com

LSR Division 6 Meeting (South Texas Division)

For current updates and any changes, Contact:  Don Winn:  donswinn [at] gmail.com

Meet at Longhorn Cafe, 12311 Nacogdoches Rd, San Antonio, TX

Greater Houston Train Show

For more information and any changes, open this: http://sanjacmodeltrains.org/GHTS.php

Big Bend Model Railroad Association Train Show and Sale 2023

For more information and any changes, open this: http://bbmra.club/
