
NMRAx November Update

NMRAx Update: 3 new Clinics!

From 5 pm  till 8 pm ET, with breakout rooms to dicuss the clinic with the clinician after each clinic.

On YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHw-7-1FWB5zQgTM0ZVY-Yw

or search YouTube for the nmra.org channel and look on the Live tab.

NERx Annual Virtual Convention 2024

The NMRA's Northeastern Region is hosting NERx, its annual virtual convention, this spring. The convention will take place on March 18-21 from 6:30-10:30 PM eastern time and is open to everyone to attend online, for free.  


Tune in to NERx on the NMRA's YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/NMRAORGModelRailroading and refresh your screen until you see the "Live" video.  



For any changes open this link: https://www.dfwtrainshows.com/index.php/

Oct 01, 2023

We are happy to announce the return of our fifth annual Fall Plano Train Show being held at the Plano Event Center on Saturday, Sep 30, and Oct 1, 2023 Hours are 10 am-5 pm Saturday, 10 am-4 pm Sunday. 2000 East Spring Creek Parkway. Go East from Central Expressway (Exit 31).

NMRAx Montly Update, September 23rd

NMRAx Montly Update: 3 new Clinics!

From 5 pm ET, till 8 pm, with breakout rooms to dicuss the clinic with the clinician after each clinic.

On YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHw-7-1FWB5zQgTM0ZVY-Yw

or search YouTube for the nmra.org channel and look on the Live tab.

The Greater Houston Train Show 2024

Texas, HOUSTON: The San Jacinto Model Railroad Club presents The Greater Houston Train Show on Saturday, February 17, 2024, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM at the Pasadena Convention Center, 7902 Fairmont Parkway, Pasadena, TX 77504.

The Train Show features Operating Layouts, Classes on Railroad and Modeling Subjects, National Model Railroad Association Contests, and Vendors from across the Southwest. This annual event attracts railfans from across Texas and Louisiana.

Lubbock Model Railroad Association Thanksgiving Show

November 21-25: Thanksgiving show at the American Windmill Museum.

Lubbock Model Railroad Association Summer Show

June 13-17: Summer show at the American Windmill Museum.

O Scale National Convention Returning to Denver, Colorado June 8-11, 2023 O Scale National Convention

For more information and any changes, open the Convention website: https://oscalenational.com/

For details on the cars, contests, and clinics, go to oscalenational.com. Registration for the event remains the same at $45. The Hyatt has a special rate during the convention. To obtain this rate, go to  https://www.hyatt.com/en-US/group-booking/DENHY/G-6OSC.


NERx 2023

NERx is returning for its annual virtual engagement on March 20-23 on YouTube and Facebook from 6:30-10:30 PM Eastern Time all four evenings. The YouTube link is included with this event.  
Produced by the NMRA Northeastern Region and NMRAx team, each evening will be filled with clinics, layout tours, roundtable discussions, tips 'n tricks, and the model showcase.  Circle the dates, set your alarm, and join us! 
Also, visit the website to keep up to date at:
