Celebration (Contests)

General Information

The NMRA National Contest is held at the National Convention as a part of our Celebration of Models, Photos & Crafts.

  1. Celebration (Contest) Events
    1. Judged Scale Model Contest
    2. Module Contest
    3. People's Choice Awards (includes Arts & Crafts)
    4. Model Showcase
    5. Photo Contest
    6. Pass Contest
    7. Afternoon of Meet the Modeler, Photographer and Crafter
  2. Event Locations, Entry Procedures and Schedules

    1. All events except the Module Contest will be held in the Celebration Room.  Entries must be brought to this location and presented to the contest staff along with the required forms.  Once the entry is accepted, it will not be available for pick-up until the scheduled time.

B.  The Module Contest will be held at the National Train Show.  Space for module entries must be secured ahead of the train show by contacting the train show staff. If space is not available, entrants may contact the Contest Staff to see if alternate space is available.  Entry forms must be attached to the front of the module when setting up at the train show.  The schedule of events will be posted in the Celebration of Models Room.

  1. Module Set-up and Entry at Train Show - Thursday, Forms must be attached to the front of the module by Thursday 3:00pm.
  2. Module Viewing - Friday, Saturday and Sunday during the National Train Show.
  3. Judging - Friday, 8:00am to 10:00am.
  4. Module Contest Awards -  Friday, 3:00pm, (typically).  Exact time and location will be announced Friday Afternoon.
  5. Module Breakdown - Sunday at the conclusion of the National Train Show.