- Location: Mt. Ararat High School, 68 Eagles Way, Topsham, ME 04086 (Handicapped Accessible)
- Featuring new and used trains, tracks, buildings, books, and more, you'll find something for every enthusiast. From N to HO, S, O, and G scales, there's something for everyone to enjoy.
- Admission: Just $5 per person (kids under 12 free with an adult)
- For more info, visit www.greatfallsmodelrrclub.org.
- Registration forms, presentation details, op session layouts, and participating vendors can be reviewed at the RPM-East website: http://hansmanns.org/rpm_east/index.htm.
- Two days of prototype and model presentations.
- Large display room to share your modeling efforts and learn new techniques.
- Variety of vendors selling goods for prototype modeling.
- Thursday operating sessions on local model railroads.
- Sunday model railroad layouts to visit.
- Where: 100 W. High St.
- Date and Time: March 29, 8-5 & March 30, 11-4
- Hosted By: Illinois Terminal Division.
- Admission: FREE public.
- Display layouts in multiple scales, Freemo set-up and run starting at noon Saturday. Vendor table and display layout info at https://www.illinoisterminaldivision.org/show/show.htm or via trainshow [at] illinoisterminaldivision.org.
- Open house and surplus assets sale.
- The Seacoast division of the NMRA is also having its winter meeting here. Come and enjoy the hobby of model railroading with us.
- Southern Maine Model Railroad Club 426 Bridge St, Westbrook, Maine 04092.
- Show Name: The Great Batavia Train Sale
- Date: Sunday, January 12, 2025
- Location: Richard C. Call Arena at Genesee Community College, Batavia, NY
- Admission: $6 for adults, $3 for children under 18, and free for children under 13.
- Hours: 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM.
- Features: Model Train Vendors, Free Parking, and Snack Bar.
- For Updates: Web site: www.gsme.org
- Nappanee, Indiana
- Claywood Event Center 13924 N 1100 W (County Line Road)
- Operating layouts, 150 vendor tables, all scales.
- $5.00, 12 under free w/paid adult.
- Ken Prager 574-300-5151 email: trainshow [at] emrrc.com web: https://emrrc.com
- BTW, we always provide a free table at our show for NMRA promotions.
- Location: Verona Senior Center, 108 Paoli St., Verona, WI 53593.
- Attractions include clinics, model and photo contests, refreshments, and home layout viewing following the meeting.
- Admission is free.
- Information, contact: SCWD, 3940 Trempealeau Trail, Verona, WI 53593: www.nmra-scwd.org
- Location: National Guard Armory, 179 Western Ave., Augusta, ME 042330.
- Operating model railroad displays and train dealers.
- Dollhouse displays and dealers.
- Admission: is accessible for $5 individuals and $10 Families with children under 12.
- Snack bar open.
- Free parking.
- Don't hesitate to contact Richard Ridolfo at rmrsr [at] aol.com for info and tables. Our website is https://maine3railers.org.
- Admission: Adults $8.00. Children 12 and under FREE and NMRA members with card $5.00.
- Featuring Hourly Drawings, Children's Activities, All Gauges, Two HO Train Set Drawings, Over 170 tables, and Food Services
- Held at the Allen County Memorial Coliseum, 4000 Parnell Ave, Fort Wayne, IN.
- 100,000 square feet of layouts (all scales), toy trains, clinics, exhibits, and vendors (250+ tables).
- Saturday, 9 am to 5:00 pm.
- Sunday, 9 am to 4:00 pm.
- For updates or any changes, go to https://www.nmra-scwd.org/.