model railroading

Regina Railfest 2020

May 2-3, Regina, SK
Regina Railfest 2020, Over 25,000 sq. ft. of model railroad layouts, displays, exhibits, and vendors!. Caledonian Curling Club, 2225 Sandra Schmirler Way,. Information can be obtained by contacting Ron Coburn at (306) 545-4883 or rdcoburn [at], or visit

Canceled: Pacific Northwest Region Annual Convention 2020

Canceled!!! For your safety against the COVID-19 virus, the Executive Committee canceled the 2020 convention. Be safe!


Apr 21-24, Eugene, OR

Make Tracks to Eugene
PNR Convention.  April 21-24, 2020
Eugene, Oregon

MMRF Spring Swap Meet

Apr 5 (Sun), Edmonton, AB
MMRF Spring Swap Meet: Central Lion's Senior Citizens Recreation Centre 11113 113 St. 10 AM-2 PM, Admission $3. Info:- Ric Francoeur, swapmeet [at] Ph. 780-458-1032

Prince Albert Model Train & Hobby Show

Apr 4-5, Prince Albert, SK
RiverXingNorth 2020 - Prince Albert Model Train & Hobby Show at the Prince Albert Golf & Curling Club. 900-22nd St E Saturday 9-5; Sunday 10-5. info:-

Thunder Creek Model Railroad Club Model Train Show

Mar 28-29, Moose Jaw, SK
Model Train Show. Sponsored by the Thunder Creek Model Railroad Club. Western Development Museum, 50 Diefenbaker Drive. The museum is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is $10.00 for adults which then provides full access to the show and all museum exhibits. There is no charge for show participants or vendors who may rent tables for a small fee. Info:-

3rd Division NMRA Spring Meet

Mar 21 (Sat), Boise, ID
3rd Division NMRA Spring Meet, Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, 3100 S. Five Mile Rd., Boise, ID 83709 (Victory and Five Mile) Registration - 8:30 am Info:- Chris Mesa cmesa57 [at]

CMT Annual Flea Market

Mar 15 (Sun), Calgary, AB
CMT Annual Flea Market, Glenmore Inn, 2720 Glenmore Trail SE (corner of Glenmore Trail & Odgen Road, SE). The Flea Market runs from 8:30 to 10:30. Time to start putting aside those items you no longer need so that you can buy more stuff that you do need! Tables are $20 each, half tables can be booked for $10. To book a table contact Brookes Harrow at bharrow [at] or 403-201-4937.
