
North Carolina, Greensboro - Train Show

North Carolina, Greensboro - Train Show, Lewis Recreation Center 3110 Forrest Lawn Dr., March 23 & 24. Saturday 9-5, Sunday 9-5. Admission is $10, $2 off with a flyer, and children under 12 free with adults. Visit us

WNYRHS Train & Toy Show

New York, Ontario--Buffalo/Hamburg/Ontario: WNYRHS Train & Toy Show. Feb. 17-18, Fair Grounds Event Center. 5820 South Park Ave. Hamburg, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-4. NMRA-Western New York-Division meeting. Sat. 10:30, NMRA-Modeling Clinics/Demos all day Sat. & Sun. 350+ tables. All NMRA members can download a $1 off admission coupon: Adults: $8, Children 12 & under FREE. Bring family! Stroller friendly! Layouts (N-HO-S-O), LEGO Display/Activity area, Children's area.

Maine 3Railers Model Railroad and Dollhouse Show

Maine, Augusta - Maine 3Railers Model Railroad and Dollhouse Show, Feb. 17, Augusta Armory, 179 Western Ave. 10-3:30. Operating model railroads and train dealers. Dollhouse displays and dealers. Adm: $5 individual and $10 family with children under 12 free. Snack bar open. Free parking. For tables please contact Richard Ridolfo, rmrsr [at] Our website is

Divison 8 MCR Train Show & Sale

Kentucky, Louisville - March 16, Div. 8 MCR Train Show & Sale, Our 34th year, Holy Family Parish Saffin Ctn, 3938 Poplar Level Rd. Enter venue off Mercer Ave. 10-3, Adm: $6, kids 12 & under FREE. NMRA Members can enter @ 9 AM with their current member card in hand. Louisville's Largest Train Show. Model trains in all scales, operating layouts & displays, Over 110 tables. Model RR Education, Test & Programing Tracks, Hourly door prizes, Onsite Food & Beverage & FREE Parking. Something for the entire family!

The Wichita Train Show & Swap Meet

Kansas, Wichita--The Wichita Train Show & Swap Meet, Feb. 3 & 4, Sat. 9-5, Sun. 11-4, two full days of excitement, operating layouts, over 100 vendor tables, Cessna Activity Center, 2744 George Washington Blvd, hourly door prizes, modular layouts, vendors, modeling contests, clinics, and a kid's play area. Adm: $8 for both days. Children 10 & under are free with paid adults. Scouts in uniform are free/$1 off with nonperishable food items. Military, fire, first responders, law enforcement $1. Vendors: 8-foot tables $30 each advance registration, $35 ea.

Fox Valley Division Meet In Person and Online

Join us for this "hybrid" - in-person and
online virtual Meeting.
Please see our website timetable for details.
for more information about this event.

Fox Valley Division Meet In Person and Online

Join us for this "hybrid" - in-person and
online virtual Meeting.
Please see our website timetable for details.
for more information about this event

Fox Valley Division Meet In Person and Online

Join us for this "hybrid" - in-person and
online virtual Meeting.
Please see our website timetable for details.
for more information about this event

Fox Valley Division Meet In Person and Online

Join us for this "hybrid" - in-person and
online virtual Meeting.
Please see our website timetable for details.
for more information about this event.

Fox Valley Division Meet In Person and Online

Join us for this "hybrid" - in-person and
on-line virtual Meeting.
Please see our website timetable for details.
for more information about this event.
