
NMRA Winter Board of Directors Meeting

March 7 & 8, 2020

The Winter Board of Directors meeting will once again be held in Atlanta, Georgia, on March 7 & 8 at the Drury Inn & Suites. The Budget and Operations meeting will begin at 3:00 PM on Friday, March 6, and the Board will be in a caucus that evening. Both of those meetings are only open to invited guests.

NMRA Winter Board of Directors Meeting

The NMRA Winter Board of Directors meeting will be held in Atlanta on Saturday, March 7, 2020, at the Drury Inn Atlanta Airport.

1270 Virginia Ave,
East Point, GA 30344
See Map:  Google Maps
The meeting begins at 9:00 AM. All members are invited to attend.

Event Date: 

 Sat, 03/07/2020 - 9:00am

Portland's 3rd Annual Railroad Prototype Modelers Meet

May 2 (Sat), Portland, OR
Portland's 3rd Annual Railroad Prototype Modelers Meet. Portland Airport Shilo Inn, 11707 NE Airport Way, Portland, OR 97220 9 AM to 5 PM We encourage railroad modelers (model railroaders) to bring their creations (completed or in progress) to share with others. This is intended to be a get together to bring modelers together, share & discuss techniques, talk prototypes and inspire others with their models. We will also be having CLINICS throughout the day and a LARGE RAFFLE! Info:- www.brpmm.com

Canceled: Pacific Northwest Region Annual Convention 2020

Canceled!!! For your safety against the COVID-19 virus, the Executive Committee canceled the 2020 convention. Be safe!


Apr 21-24, Eugene, OR

Make Tracks to Eugene
PNR Convention.  April 21-24, 2020
Eugene, Oregon

WIllamette Model Railroad Club Swap Meet

Mar 14 (Sat), Portland, OR
WIllamette Model Railroad Club Swap Meet 9:30 am to 3 pm at the W.D. Jackson Armory 6255 NE Cornfoot Rd. Portland, OR 97218. Over 115 tables of Model Railroad equipment in all Scales, Railroad Memorabilia, Books, Photos and More. Admission $5.00, under 12 free. Free parking. Info: Brigg Franklin wmrcswapmeet [at] gmail.com (360) 241-5908.

16th Annual Pacific Model Loggers' Congress

April 4, 2020 - 9:00 am to 6:00 pm

Location: Camp 18 Restaurant and Museum, U.S. Highway 26, Elsie, Oregon


The 28th National “N” Scale Convention

June 24 thru 28, 2020

Time: 7:00 am thru 11:00 pm


Sheraton Music City Hotel

777 McGavock Pk, Nashville, TN 37214, USA

(Updates go to https://www.nationalnscaleconvention.com/)

2020 NMRA Winter Board of Directors Meeting

March 7 & 8, 2020


The Winter Board of Directors meeting will once again be held in Atlanta, Georgia, on March 7 & 8 at the Drury Inn & Suites. The Budget and Operations meeting will begin at 3:00 PM on Friday, March 6, and the Board will be in a caucus that evening. Both of those meetings are only open to invited guests.
