Atlantic Director

Mike has been a member of the NMRA for more than twenty-five years. In that time he has been Superintendent of the two Divisions he has resided in, organised three Region Conventions, various Region Meets and has also set up Groups in both the areas he has lived in – they are still fully active today. He has also served as Region Treasurer, Vice-President and President. Mike has been Atlantic District Director since his appointment in November 2017.
He is now retired having spent 14 years with HM Customs & Excise as a VAT (sales tax) inspector, 21 years as a Tax Consultant with Price Waterhouse/PwC (15 years as a partner) and 9 years as a freelance Tax Consultant.
He has been in love with trains and railways since a very early age – first train set at the age of five. Mike discovered North American railroads in 1994 when on vacation in Orlando, Florida and has not looked back. He has a modest sized model railroad in a log cabin in the garden depicting Rosenberg, TX in the 1990s to the current day (with Tower 17 in situ!!).