Eastern Director

John Doehring is crazy about trains, the history of trains, and all things model railroading.
John was born and raised on the Texas Gulf Coast, mesmerized early by the long rumbling freights of the MKT, Cotton, Belt, and Southern Pacific. Today he is interested primarily in the transition-era operations of eastern anthracite coal country in PA, NJ, and NY, and in the harbor connections in and around New York City. John is an N Scale modular modeler working with NTRAK, T-TRAK, and Freemo-N standards - and with plans for an N Scale home layout as well. Lately he's developed a secret side interest in On30 - with a focus on narrow gauge operations in Southwestern Colorado. John also enjoys the challenge, engagement, and comradery of operations, and he's a member of both OPSiG and LDSig.
John has been an active member and volunteer in the NMRA for a dozen years, and has served as the Northeastern Region's newsletter editor, as a board director in both the region and his local division, and for six years as President of the NER. John is also active in the NMRA's Achievement Program, with two certificates (Volunteer and Official) completed, and two others (Author and Chief Dispatcher) submitted. He's working now on a new Freemo-N module set with two additional certificates (Civil and Electrical Engineering) in view.
Professionally, John is an independent certified management consultant. He works primarily with design and technical professionals and their firms to plan and grow business, improve operations, and develop next generation leaders. John is also a professional speaker with extensive experience in convention, conference, and seminar development and delivery. He is the author of Fast Future! Ten Uber-Trends Changing Everything in Business and Our World, and is currently working on a new book project focused on leadership development in the professional services firm.
John summarizes his belief in model railroading this way: "we come together to share our love for trains - and stay together to share our love for one another."