Charleston, Athens & Sandusky Structures

Charleston, Athens & Sandusky Structures

Note: This is not a 'How To', but a display of a completed 'Scratchbuilt Project' showing what can be done with some materials and time. It does not have to have been judged for AP Points.

(Click on the small images for the full size view.)

Here are pictures of structures around the station at Constance, Ohio, on the CA&S (Charleston, Athens & Sandusky Railway). The station is from Blairline as is the small house on the extreme left. The large house is a scratch built 4 room cabin using plans from the C&O Historical Society book, C&O Standard Structures. I used Evergreen sheet styrene with Grandt Line doors, windows, and chimneys. The roof is rolled roofing material, I used gummed paper painted grimy black.

The two structures at the left are Section Car & Tool Houses, built to plans in the COHS book noted above. These structures were built using sheet and strip styrene, sheet for the ends and walls, strip for the interior framing, doors and bracing on the doors.. The one with the partially opened door has an interior for what can be seen from the opening. The other has full interior including framing. Oh, by the way, all these structures are in N Scale.

Craig A. Sonnen, MMR 323


If you wish to submit a photo for consideration, send the photo (no larger than 800x600 please) to TJ Klevar along with a description of how you built it, techniques you used, and any special tips you wish pass along.