Information Technology Department

Speed had a model train set earlier than he can remember. Today he models the TxNamib in N-scale based on the national railroad in Namibia, where he was born and raised.
With both an electrical and a software enginering degree, he just loves technology, especially when you can use it on a model railroad. He writes an RRRduino column for the LSR's Marker Lamp and write software using MQTT for WiFi layout control along with two other modelers. If you need a clinic about any technology, just invite him to an operating session to get him there.
He joined the NMRA in 2011, is the NMRAx Scheduler (and a regular Host), the NMRA's Pike Registrar, LSR Web Chair, Co-editor of the Marker Lamp, a prior LSR Treasurer and also recently jumped into the DCC working group. As IT manager, he would like to hear from you on how we can accelerate the NMRA into today's digital age!