October 17, 2006
Picture downtown Waite Park, Minnesota on a Friday evening in the summer of 1954. The pool hall is open and some of the younger generation is gathering there, while the barber shop is still open for business.  The bank is open until 8:30.  All these buildings were scratch built by Renee Grosser, using commercially available styrene sheet brick. The cornices on the bank were cast urethane with the help of Ken Patterson in St. Louis, MO.  All the store front window framing was scratch built with styrene by Renee, and she modeled all the vehicles. I helped only with the painting of the buildings and vehicles. All these models were made accurate from photographs and measuring the prototype buildings, and all these buildings are now gone. The only one remaining in real life is the Great Northern car shops in the background, doubled and bashed from Walthers kits to represent the original steel shop.  The roadways were made of 1/8-inch masonite painted to represent the asphalt streets in Waite Park.
Ray Grosser, MMR
See more of Ray & Renee Grosser's work by visiting their web site at:
If you wish to submit a photo for consideration, send the photo (no larger than 800x600 please) to TJ Klevar along with a description of how you built it, techniques you used, and any special tips you wish pass along.