United States
- Location: Savannah Regional Recreation Center, 1545 N Buena Visto Bl. Villages, FL 32162
- Admission: Free
- Unique operating displays of almost every type of model train.
- Location: Savannah Regional Recreation Center, 1545 N Buena Visto Bl. Villages, FL 32162
- Admission: $8 and Children under 12 Free
- Sat. 9AM - 4PM & Sunday 10AM - 3PM
- Unique operating displays of almost every type of model train.
- 188 8' tables piled high with "goodies" for sale!!.
- 50 quality vendors from throughout Florida and beyond.
- Hosted by Seacoast Division NMRA.
- Location: Grappone Conference Center, 70 Constitution Ave., Concord, NH.
- Learn about northern New England railroading and history at its best.
- New clinics, fabulous layouts to tour and operate on, prototype tours, raffle, model showcase, and contest room, Modeling with the Master's clinics, banquets, and many non-rail and seasonal activities.
- Website: https://conventions.nernmra.org/home/home-2025/.
- Informal open run sessions each Saturday. Members & visitors welcome
- Time: Each Saturday, 9 - 11 a.m.
- Place: FCMRS Club layout, 1414 Millcoe Road, Jacksonville, FL
- Bring your trains with DCC-compatible locos. Club Locos & cars available also.
- More info: fcmrs46 [at] gmail.com
- Informal open run sessions each Saturday. Members & visitors welcome
- Time: Each Saturday, 9 - 11 a.m.
- Place: FCMRS Club layout, 1414 Millcoe Road, Jacksonville, FL
- Bring your trains with DCC-compatible locos. Club Locos & cars available also.
- More info: fcmrs46 [at] gmail.com
- Informal open run sessions each Saturday. Members & visitors welcome
- Time: Each Saturday, 9 - 11 a.m.
- Place: FCMRS Club layout, 1414 Millcoe Road, Jacksonville, FL
- Bring your trains with DCC-compatible locos. Club Locos & cars available also.
- More info: fcmrs46 [at] gmail.com
- Informal open run sessions each Saturday. Members & visitors welcome
- Time: Each Saturday, 9 - 11 a.m.
- Place: FCMRS Club layout, 1414 Millcoe Road, Jacksonville, FL
- Bring your trains with DCC-compatible locos. Club Locos & cars available also.
- More info: fcmrs46 [at] gmail.com
- Richard C. Call Arena Genesee Community College, Batavia, NY
- Admission: $7 for adults, $3 for children under 18, and free for children under 13.
- All forms of model railroad and train-related merchandise will be
- available.
- Over 100 vendors will be offering all scales of model trains and historic
- railroad items.
- Modeling demonstrations and limited portable layouts will
- be part of the fun. Free parking, an on-site concession stand, and plenty of seating add to
- the experience.
- Location: Woodward Twp. Fire Hall, 4147 N. Rte. 220 Hwy, Linden PA 17744
- Admission: $3 ea, children under 14 free
- Event Details: Popular gauges of model trains and accessories offered by quality dealers for sale and trade.
- Operating N scale layout. Free parking.
- Contact: Mike Barnes (814-482-1361) barnesproducts1361 [at] gmail.com