
Pacific Northwest Regional Convention - Surrey Excursion 2024, 7th Division

Welcome to the Pacific Northwest Regional Convention - Surrey Excursion 2024, 7th Division.

The Seventh Division Host Committee hopes to see familiar and several new faces in Surrey, BC, May 22-26.

There are many things to do and see in the Surrey and surrounding areas. Please take advantage of the Convention rate before and/or after to stay at the hotel and see some of our wonderful provinces as well as the Lower Mainland and Greater Vancouver.

Spokan Washington Train Show

Washington, Spokane - SPOKANE TRAIN SHOW - Sponsored by the River City Modelers March 3, SPOKANE County Fair & Expo Center, Ag A, B, & C Buildings, 404 N. Havana St. 9:30 -3:30, $8 Admission cash - 12 & UNDER FREE. Over 200 tables of railroad related items for sale - model & toy trains, photographs, books, toy autos & trucks, bridges & buildings. Train memorabilia - old lanterns. signs, China, linen, switch locks & keys & more. Several operating train layouts in N, HO & O scale. A large HO and N Scale Free-MO setup running and Operation Lifesaver.

WNYRHS Train & Toy Show

New York, Ontario--Buffalo/Hamburg/Ontario: WNYRHS Train & Toy Show. Feb. 17-18, Fair Grounds Event Center. 5820 South Park Ave. Hamburg, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-4. NMRA-Western New York-Division meeting. Sat. 10:30, NMRA-Modeling Clinics/Demos all day Sat. & Sun. 350+ tables. All NMRA members can download a $1 off admission coupon: Adults: $8, Children 12 & under FREE. Bring family! Stroller friendly! Layouts (N-HO-S-O), LEGO Display/Activity area, Children's area.

Minnesota, St. Cloud - Granite City Train Show

Minnesota, St. Cloud - Granite City Train Show Sat., March 9, St. Cloud River's Edge Convention Center 10 4th Ave S, 9-3. Buy, sell, trade or just view hundreds of trains under one roof. Vendors selling and buying trains, accessories, books, videos, railroad collectibles & memorabilia, antique trains & toys, hobby items and more! Operating model and toy train displays. Kids can help build a wooden train layout and run a model train. Register to win a LIONEL train set! Test track on site. Wheelchair accessible. Adm: $6. Kids 10 and under FREE.

Maine 3Railers Model Railroad and Dollhouse Show

Maine, Augusta - Maine 3Railers Model Railroad and Dollhouse Show, Feb. 17, Augusta Armory, 179 Western Ave. 10-3:30. Operating model railroads and train dealers. Dollhouse displays and dealers. Adm: $5 individual and $10 family with children under 12 free. Snack bar open. Free parking. For tables please contact Richard Ridolfo, rmrsr [at] Our website is

Fox Valley Division Meet In Person and Online

Join us for this "hybrid" - in-person and
online virtual Meeting.
Please see our website timetable for details.
for more information about this event.

Fox Valley Division Meet In Person and Online

Join us for this "hybrid" - in-person and
online virtual Meeting.
Please see our website timetable for details.
for more information about this event

Fox Valley Division Meet In Person and Online

Join us for this "hybrid" - in-person and
online virtual Meeting.
Please see our website timetable for details.
for more information about this event

Fox Valley Division Meet In Person and Online

Join us for this "hybrid" - in-person and
online virtual Meeting.
Please see our website timetable for details.
for more information about this event.

Fox Valley Division Meet In Person and Online

Join us for this "hybrid" - in-person and
on-line virtual Meeting.
Please see our website timetable for details.
for more information about this event.
