The Masters Series

Association Volunteer / Association Official

AP Master Model Railroader

Conducted by Rick Shoup, MMR

Association Volunteer

Model railroading is fun, but to quote a chewing gum commercial "double your pleasure, double your fun." The way to do that is to volunteer. The hobby lends itself to being a lone wolf. We can bury ourselves for years in all the facets the hobby has to offer. Except for an occasional trip to the hobby shop, a model railroad show or a railfan trip, we may never see another model railroader. That's not to say we aren't enjoying ourselves, it's just the nature of the hobby. However, getting active in the local part of the NMRA can make it much more enjoyable.


Attend a division meet, take a ride to a regional convention, travel to a national convention, and you'll enjoy another aspect of the hobby, like others have. Talk to the officers, and volunteer to help the organization. There is always something to be done. Do you have any particular skills the organization can use? Can you write? Help with their publication. Are you a good photographer? Help judge photo contests. Are you a good model builder or do you hold an achievement certificate in one of the technical categories? Judge a model contest or an AP merit award. How about giving a clinic? If you're not working toward the AP Author certificate, you can claim points for Volunteer, but not both. Are you a Boy Scout railroading Merit Badge counselor? You can earn one point per month that you serve in this capacity, plus one point per Scout who earns their Railroading Merit Badge under your supervison. And how about helping out at the convention? There are a lot of jobs that need your time and talent. Your president or superintendent will find a place for you, and will appreciate your service."

By all means, keep a record of the committees you serve on, dates of service, activity, and the name of the person in charge. By keeping your record up to date, you'll know when you have enough points to earn this service award.

Association Official

After volunteering, the next step is becoming an officer (unless you want to start at the top and work down). However (there's always a 'however'), to become an officer, you need to be elected. First, you must show your commitment to the organization, usually by working on some committee or providing some kind of service, before being nominated for election. As an officer, you'll be responsible for a particular facet of the organization, it's time! It is also work that calls for a decision to be made to operate an efficient organization and still make it enjoyable for all the members. You can advance to the regional and national level if you are interested, have the time and capability.

This award is based on points earned for the time and positions held. Therefore, you must keep a record of the offices you held and the dates involved, so you will know when you are eligible for this service recognition award.


It's nice to earn an award for superior technical achievement as a master craftsman; and, it's even nicer to earn a service award by helping fellow modelers. To earn both types of awards makes for a complete leisure pastime. To get something as a result of learning from those who helped you and to give back something, makes a nice balance to the enjoyment of our great hobby.