Street______________________________ City___________________ State______ Zip Code_____________
___________________________________________________________________________________________Description of models built: Please attach to this SOQ all the documentation required by the AP Regulations. This includes; the trackplan required in Section 1, and a description of the features required in Section 2. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
SIGNATURE ____________________ NAME________________________ NMRA No ______________
TITLE_________________________________________________________ DATE _________________
SIGNATURE ____________________ NAME________________________ NMRA No ______________
TITLE_________________________________________________________ DATE _________________
Members Statement and Agreement:
I certify that I have completed all of the requirements for this subject matter as listed in the official NMRA Achievement Program Regulations and that I will agree to assist other members in the subject matter of this certificate whenever possible, whether or not they are participants in the Achievement Program.
SIGNATURE ______________________________ Date__________
Certification of Regional Achievement Program Manager:
As the NMRA Regional Achievement Program Manager of the __________________ Region, I certify that I have examined this statement of qualifications and, having compared it to the stated requirements for this certificate, I am satisfied that the stated requirements have been met.
SIGNATURE ______________________________ Date__________ Region/Cert #_________________
National Vice Manager Action:
Approved _________________________________ Date__________