
Achievement Program


Although the category title is Model Railroad Author, it may just as well be Model Railroad Media Specialist. All fields may be used to earn points.

To qualify for this certificate, you must:

1. Prepare and submit material on any of the following subjects:

  • Model Railroading.
  • Prototype Railroading, Applicable to Modeling.
  • NMRA Administration (e.g. Officers or Committee Reports)

The material being claimed must be the work of the author, photographer, artist, draftsperson, etc. applying for the certificate. A total of forty-two (42) points must be earned from a combination of material in the following areas:

A. Published Articles

This is material that appears in printed or electronic media, such as magazines or newsletters and may include text, photographs, drawings, etc. Material that has been published or accepted for publication, may be claimed. A copy of the published material or of the acceptance receipt from the publication or the URL for electronic media must be submitted as proof. Points are awarded regardless of size or number of features appearing in any particular issue.

Points Earned Per Full Page
Item National Publication NMRA National NMRA Region NMRA Division & SIGs
Article or Column 3 3 2 1
Photos or Art Work 3 3 2 1
Scale Drawing of Prototype 6 6 4 2
Scale Drawing of Track Plan 3 3 2 1
NMRA Data/RP Sheet-One Subject - 6 - -
  • A "page" is approximately 1200 words. Credit may be claimed for partial pages down to quarter pages.
  • NMRA Publications (including SIG publications) with a circulation of more than 2000 may be considered National Publications; those with a circulation of more than 1000 may be considered Region Publications.
  • Material published in 100% NMRA Club publications earns half the number of points as for an NMRA Division publication.
  • No more than half of the total required points (21) may be claimed for Division or 100% NMRA Club publications.

B. Live Clinics

These are live or streamed presentations given at conventions, Division events, etc. In order to be eligible for credit, the clinic must be prepared and presented by the member applying for the certificate, it must be at least 30 minutes in length, and it must include a handout (a copy of the handout must be included with the certificate application.)

Points Earned For Live Clinics
Item National Region Division
Given At NMRA Sponsored Events 6 4 2
Given at NON-NMRA Sponsored Events 3 2 1

A live clinic can only be claimed for Model Railroad Author points once, even if it presented more than once. Additional presentations of a clinic earn credit towards Association Volunteer.

Points Earned For Live Clinics
Item National Region Division
Assoc. Volunteer Points 3 2 1


C. Electronic Publications

This is for material published on a public electronic forum, such as the Internet. This material earns credit at the same rate as Published Articles in Region publications. (See above) All photos, drawings, etc. are treated as 1/3 of a page. (NMRA SIG publications are covered aboxe.)

  • Material that is published in more than one place or way (for example, both in a magazine and electronically, or in multiple electronic formats) can only earn credit once.
  • The address (URL) of the material must be included with the certificate application. If the material is published on a non-publicly accessible forum (e.g. a private BBS), it is not eligible for credit.
  • No more than half of the total required points (21) may be claimed for Electronic Publications.


  • Final determination of what material is acceptable for credit, and how much credit it earns, lies with the AP Department Executive Vice Manager.
  • For all material that is the work of more than one person, each person may claim 1/2 of the applicable points, provided that they did at least 40% of the work involved.
  • Material that is electronically published and has a formal editor is credited at the same rate as printed material,  This would include the publications of Historical Societies, NMRA organizations, and others who have a formal editor to manage content and have moved to electronic publishing in addition to or in lieu of print publication.  The AP Executive Vice Manager will make final determinations of credits for electronic publications.
  • Personal "blogs" do not receive credit as they do not normally meet the criteria.

2. Submit a completed: Statement of Qualifications (see SOQ below) which shall include a list of all material claimed giving the subject matter, name of the publication or place of presentation, the dates, and the handouts. The number of points claimed for each item must be shown.

Further Information

Contact the AP Committee General Manager at achiev [at], or your Region or Division Achievement Program Manager for more information.

Also refer to the NMRA AP regulations (1992), the AP Handbook (1991), and the articles "Model Railroad Author" and "Helpful Hints for Authors", NMRA Bulletin, June, 1992.

Forms available for this category:

  • SOQ Form: (PDF)
  • Record and Validation forms: (PDF)